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Types of Operators

・Operators that perform integer operations are described as "Int operators", and operators that perform floating point number operations are described as "Real operators".

・The logical operators return an Int 1 if the operation result is correct and an Int 0 if it is not correct.

・The logical operators with a shortcut skip the evaluation of the second expression when the operation result is determined by the evaluation result of the first expression.

() Parentheses
[] Array Reference
- (Unary) Additive Inverse
+ Addition, String Concatenation
ー (Term 2) Subtraction
Multiplication, Repetition of String
/ Division (Real Operator)
DIV Int Division (Int Operator)
MOD Remainder (Int Operator)
<< Bitwise Left Shift (Int Operator)
>> Bitwise Right Shift (Signed, Int Operator)
<<< Bitwise Left Shift (Int Operator)
>>> Bitwise Right Shift (Unsigned, Int Operator)
<<+ Left Rotate (Int Operator)
>>+ Right Rotate (Int Operator)
AND Bitwise AND (Int Operator)
OR Bitwise OR (Int Operator)
XOR Bitwise XOR (Int Operator)
NOT Bitwise NOT (Int Operator)
== Equal (Logical Operator)
!= Not Equal (Logical Operator)
< Greater (Logical Operator)
> Less (Logical Operator)
<= Greater Equal (Logical Operator)
>= Less Equal (Logical Operator)
&& Logical AND with Shortcut (Logical Operator)
|| Logical OR with Shortcut (Logical Operator)
! Logical Negation (Logical Operator)

Operator Precedence

The operator precedence is as follows.

() []
-(Unary) NOT !
+ -(Binary)
<< >> <<< >>> <<+ >>+
== != < <= > >=


Raise the priority of the expression in parentheses

Array[Expression [,…]]

Referencing array elements

・The number of expressions in [] is either 1 or the number of dimensions in the array.

- Numbers

Invert the sign of numbers

Number + Number

Add two numbers

String + String

Combine two strings

Number - Number

Subtract the right number from the left number

Number * Number

Multiply the left number by the right number

String * Int

Repeat the string by the right number

Number / Number

Divide the left number by the right number

・An error occurs if the number on the right is 0.

Int DIV Int

Divide the left number by the right number

・Unlike /, the result is always an Int.
・An error occurs if the number on the right is 0.


A=201 DIV 5

Int MOD Int

The remainder of dividing the left number by the right number

・An error occurs if the number on the right is 0.


A=201 MOD 5

Int AND Int

Bitwise AND of two Int


A=200 AND &HE7

Int OR Int

Bitwise OR of two Int


A = 128 OR &HA3

Int XOR Int

Bitwise XOR of two Int


A=100 XOR &H4C

Int << Int

Shift left, the bits in the value of the left number, by the number of bits specified by the right number.

・Shifting left by 1 bit will double the value of the Int.


A=100 << 2

Int >> Int

Shift right, the bits in the value of the left number, by the number of bits specified by the right number. (Signed)

・Shifting right by 1 bit will halve the value of the Int.
・Signs are taken into account. The signed bit (bit 31) does not change. The bit 30 will be copied with the bit 31.


A=100 >> 2
B=-10 >> 1

Int <<< Int

Shift left, the bits in the value of the left number, by the number of bits specified by the right number.

・Shifting left by 1 bit will double the value of the Int.
・It operates exactly the same as <<.

A=100 <<< 2

Int >>> Int

Shift right, the bits in the value of the left number, by the number of bits specified by the right number. (Unsigned)

・Shifting right by 1 bit will halve the value of the Int.
・Unlike >>, the sign is not taken into account.


A=100 >>> 2
B=-10 >>> 1

Int <<+ Int

Rotates left, the bits of the left value, by the number of bits specified by the right number.

・Unlike the Shift, the bit pushed out from the bit 31 is copied to the bit 0 side.

A= HEX$(&HFF00FF00 <<+ 8)

Int >>+ Int

Rotates right, the bits of the left value, by the number of bits specified by the right number.

・Unlike the Shift, the bit pushed out from the bit 0 is copied to the bit 31 side.

A= HEX$(&H00FF00FF >>+ 8)


Invert number bits

Number == Number

Returns 1 if the left and right numbers are equal, 0 if they are not equal

String == String

Returns 1 if the left and right strings are equal, 0 if they are not equal

Number != Number

Returns 1 if the left and right numbers are not equal, 0 if they are equal

String != String

Returns 1 if the left and right strings are not equal, 0 if they are equal

Number < Number

Returns 1 if the left number is less than the right number, 0 otherwise

String < String

Returns 1 if the left string is alphabetically less than the right string, 0 otherwise

Number > Number

Returns 1 if the left number is greater than the right number, 0 otherwise

String > String

Returns 1 if the left string is alphabetically greater than the right string, 0 otherwise

Number <= Number

Returns 1 if the left number is less than or equal to the right number, 0 otherwise

String <= String

Returns 1 if the left string is alphabetically less than or equal to the right string, 0 otherwise

Number >= Number

Returns 1 if the left number is greater than or equal to the right number, 0 otherwise

String >= String

Returns 1 if the left string is alphabetically greater than or equal to the right string, 0 otherwise

Expression && Expression

Returns 1 if the result of both expressions is true (!=0), 0 otherwise

・If the left expression is false (0), the calculation of the right expression is skipped and 0 is returned immediately.

Expression || Expression

Returns 1 if one of the two expression results is true (!=0), 0 otherwise

・If the left expression is true (!=0), the calculation of the right expression is skipped and 1 is returned immediately.

! Expression

Returns 0 if the result of the expression is true (!=0), 1 if it is false (0)

reference/operators.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/07 15:55 (external edit)

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