Loading with LOADV into a return value array of TARRAY and GARRAY sometimes hangs.
When a string variable is repeatedly added by INC to an uninitialized string variable in a program, the content of the string variable may not be accurate and the program hangs when it runs out of memory.
When setting a value to a text screen variable with TVAR, it hangs if a real number is specified to a variable key.
Significance: Medium
If Ctrl+L or Ctrl+S is pressed when “Press ENTER” is displayed while the BACKTRACE command is being executed, some keystrokes will not be operative afterwards.
When an undefined constant is specified to an argument of a function, it causes a Syntax Error instead of an Undefined Constant error.
After forcefully quitting the program by pressing the + Button, the program is started when the + Button is released.
When a composition type of LAYER is other than 0 and LCLIP is set at one upper layer ID, the previous frame's layer image remains outside the LCLIP range.
The error argument number is wrong when an invalid MML is specified in BGMPLAY.
Negative values cannot be set for variables in MML.
Issues with menu screen etc.
Significance: High
If you press the + Button immediately after interrupting/quitting a program launched from PLAYMENU, the program may start up in an incorrect state or SmileBASIC 4 itself may terminate unexpectedly.
Significance: Medium
When a large number of projects are stored, it may take a long time to start up SmileBASIC 4 itself.
The moment you press and hold a button in PLAYMENU to bring up the submenu, the display gets weird when you press another button.
debug442.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/16 14:22 (external edit)