Layer ID to set: 0 to 7
0 | Do not compose (overwrite) |
1 | Simple Composite |
2 | Additive Composite |
3 | Multiplication Composite |
4 | Screen Composite |
・If not specified, 0 (Do not compose) is specified.
Color code to multiply the layer at the time of composition
・See GCOLOR for a description of color codes.
・If not specified, &HFFFFFFFF(white=do not change color) is specified.
ID of the layer to set the filter: 0 to 7
0 | No Filter |
1 | Mosaic |
2 | Blur |
3 | Horizontal Raster Deformation |
4 | Vertical Raster Deformation |
5 | Color Conversion |
・0, if not specified.
Set different parameters for each filter type
1 (Mosaic) | Int (Size of Mosaic) |
2 (Blur) | Int (Blur Amount) |
3,4 (Raster Deformation) | Real Array (Deformation Information), Int (Repeat) |
5 (Color Conversion) | Real (Hue), Real (Saturation), Real (Brightness) |
・The larger the mosaic size, the rougher the image.
・The larger the blur amount, the more blurred the image.
・The deformation information array is a 2D Real array, and the number of elements in the 2D must be 2 or 4.
・When the number of elements in the deformation information array is 2, the offset and scale values are continuous.
・When the number of elements in the deformation information array is 4, X offset, X scale, Y offset, and Y scale are consecutive.
・The offset of the deformation information array is specified with the screen width or height as 1.0.
・Raster deformation repeat specifies whether to refer to the opposite side when the deformation result goes out of the image.
・The color conversion argument specifies the value to be added to each color element of the drawing color. See HSV function.
・Filter parameters cannot be specified when the filter type is 0 (none).
LFILTER 1,1,4 LFILTER 1,2,8 LFILTER 1,5,180,-100,0 LFILTER 1,0
ID of the layer from which the filter type is acquired: 0 to 7
Set filter type
・Display elements belonging to the layer (text screen and sprite) will not be displayed outside the clipping area.
Layer ID for clipping setting: 0 to 7
Upper left and lower right coordinates that specify the clipping rectangle
・If not specified, the clipping setting is canceled and it shows on the entire display.
・Since the coordinates specified at the time of clipping setting are internally shaped, it may return different coordinates from the set coordinates.
ID of the layer from which clipping settings are acquired: 0 to 7
Get upper left and lower right coordinates
・Generate and set 2D transformation matrix from arguments.
ID of the layer that sets the transformation matrix: 0 to 7
Home coordinates (coordinate reference point)
・The home coordinate is used as the coordinate reference point for the X and Y arguments, rotation and scaling of the center point.
・It's similar function as THOME and SPHOME.
Display coordinates
・The relationship between the home coordinates X, Y and X, Y can be considered as “take the coordinates on the layer set by the home coordinates to the coordinates on the display set by X, Y”.
・It's similar function as TOFS and SPOFS.
・If not specified, 0,0 is specified.
Set the scale factor to horizontal (X) and vertical (Y)
・Zoom in and out around home coordinates X and Y.
・It's similar functions as TSCALE and SPSCALE.
・If not specified, 1,1 is specified.
Angle of rotation
・ Rotate around home coordinates X and Y.
・ Same functions as TROT and SPROT.
・ If omitted, 0 is specified.
ID of the layer that sets the transformation matrix: 0 to 7
A Real array containing the transformation matrix
・16 elements are required.
・All elements must be in the single precision Real range.
・The matrix must be in a format that conforms to the OpenGL transformation matrix and includes the projection matrix.
Layer ID to reset the transformation matrix: 0 to 7