・The following calculation is performed on all elements of the specified array. (0 <= t < len(IN))
・If a 1D array is specified, it will be handled as monaural and if a 2D array is specified, it will be handled as stereo.
・If the array index is negative, use monaural or the value of FP[5..8] for the left channel and FP[9..12] for the right channel.
FP[5..12] value is updated at each execution.
・The filter coefficient array of the main characteristics such as a low-pass filter can be obtained with the BQPARAM command.
Array that stores the results of applying the filter
Array containing the signals to which the filter is applied
Array containing filter coefficient
・The number of elements in the array must be 13 or more.
DIM OD[2,1000],ID[2,1000],FP[13] BQPARAM FP,#BQLPF,48000,8000,1/SQR(2) BIQUAD OD,ID,FP
Array to store filter coefficient (length must be 13 or more)
・ [5..12] of the specified array is not changed even if this command is executed.
0 | #BQAPF | All-Pass Filter | Only the phase near the cutoff frequency changes |
1 | #BQLPF | Low-Pass Filter | Passes below the cutoff frequency |
2 | #BQHPF | High-Pass Filter | Passes frequencies above the cutoff frequency |
3 | #BQBPF | Bandpass Filter | Passes a specified frequency band centered on the cutoff frequency |
4 | #BQBSF | Bandstop Filter | Blocks the specified frequency band centered on the cutoff frequency |
5 | #BQLSF | Low-Shelf Filter | Amplifies the frequency below the cutoff frequency with the specified amplification factor |
6 | #BQHSF | High-Shelf Filter | Amplifies the frequency above the cutoff frequency with the specified amplification factor |
7 | #BQPEQ | Peaking Equalizer | Amplifies a specified frequency band centered on the cutoff frequency with a specified amplification factor |
Sampling frequency of input signal
・0 is an error.
Filter cutoff frequency
Handle filter types, BPF/BSF/PEQ as bandwidth (unit: octave), and otherwise, QValue as smoothness of filter characteristics.
・0 is an error.
Amplification factor of filter (unit: db). The descriptions must be needed when the filter types, #BQLSF, #BQHSF and #BQPEQ, are used.
DIM OD[1000],ID[1000],FP[13] BQPARAM FP,#BQLSF,48000,8000,1/SQR(2),3.0 BIQUAD OD,ID,FP
・All specified arrays must have the same number of elements, and the number of elements must be 2 to the power of n.
・The output and input arrangement may be the same.
Complex array of real and imaginary parts containing the result of the operation
Complex array of real and imaginary parts to operate on
Array containing the window function values
・If specified, the input complex number array is multiplied by the element value of the same index, and then the Fourier transform is performed.
・The window function value array can also be obtained with the FFTTWFN command.
DIM iR[1024],iI[1024],WF[1024] DIM oR[1024],oI[1024] FFTWFN WF,3 FFT oR,oI,iR,iI,WF
・All specified arrays must have the same number of elements, and the number of elements must be 2 to the power of n.
・The output and input arrangement may be the same.
Complex array of real and imaginary parts containing the result of the operation
Complex array of real and imaginary parts to operate on
DIM iR[1024],iI[1024] DIM oR[1024],oI[1024] IFFT oR,oI,iR,iI
Array containing the window function values
0 | #WFRECT | Rectangular Window |
1 | #WFHAMM | Humming Window |
2 | #WFHANN | Hanning Window |
3 | #WFBLKM | Blackman Window |
・From the beginning of the array to the end of the result storage array, the operation specified by the operation type is performed between each element, and the operation result is stored in the result storage array.
・If the number of elements in the parameter array is different from the number of elements in the result storage array, when it reaches the end of the array, return to the top of the array and refer to it repeatedly.
0 | #AOPADD | Addition (p1+p2) |
1 | #AOPSUB | Subtraction (p1-p2) |
2 | #AOPMUL | Multiplication (p1*p2) |
3 | #AOPDIV | Division (p1/p2) |
4 | #AOPMAD | Sum of Products (p1*p2+p3) |
5 | #AOPLIP | Linear Interpolation (p1*p3+p2*(1-p3)) |
6 | #AOPCLP | Clamp (Rounds the value of p1 within the range of p2<=x<=p3) |
Numeric array for storing operation results
Parameters 1, 2, and 3 can be specified as a numeric array or normal numeric value
・If a normal numerical value is specified, that numerical value is used for all element operations.